European legislative proposals
On February 23, 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the Agreement to improve the negotiation process and incorporation of European Union law into the domestic legal system. The purpose of this Agreement is to improve the participation of the Kingdom of Spain in the regulatory development processes in the European Union (ascending phase) and to improve its application and transposition (descending phase).
To this end, the Agreement provides for the preparation of an impact study on the legislative proposals of the European Commission (EIPLE). During the process of preparing the EIPLE, a process of public participation is carried out so that citizens, interest groups, business and union associations, study offices, experts or any sector that is considered affected by the legislative proposal can express your criteria.
Thus, the purpose of this channel is to obtain the opinion of the aforementioned sectors on the Commission's legislative proposals which, due to the powers attributed to this Ministry, fall within its scope of action.