Open Data is the national portal for organising and managing the Public Information Catalogue of the General State Administration. This portal gives access to general information, training materials and the latest news on the re-use of public sector information.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, acting in accordance with Act 18/2015, of 9 July, amending Act 37/2007, of 16 November, on re-use of public sector information, makes a whole range of open data available on this website for the use of citizens and companies. The data may be re-used with a view to promoting economic activity.

To this end, users accept the standard terms and conditions featured in the Disclaimer and will use the data under their own responsibility. They are held exclusively responsible for any damages suffered by third parties arising from the use of these data.

The groups of open data of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation currently featured in the Data Catalogue, are made available to agents who re-use them in this capacity under the basic general procedure, without any further requirements.
If you would like to make a suggestion for new reusable information, you make do so directly via the related link: "Submit your suggestion".